Animation Viewer

Realtime view/edit transparent animations (GIF, SAN, EAN...) and pictures (BMP, JPG, ICO...) with ease and seamless format to format conversion. Many features +portable, clone, realtime scrolling Help, custom user language translation etc

Select animation to view in realtime / adjust basic properties


A Blast From The Past
Please note, as this is an old program, some links and information may be out of date or inoperative, and some functionality may be reduced.


App Name
Animation Viewer
Desktop App (Standard Edition)
Release Date
10th November 2024
Code Foundation
3rd Generation (VUN for GUI)
Operating System(s)
Windows 95-11 and Wine for Linux and Mac
(not Win10s/11s)


av.exe (1.38 Mb) (0.69 Mb) av.7z (0.54 Mb)


Select animation to view in realtime / adjust basic properties

Select image formats to list

Adjust program settings and behaviour

A custom color scheme applied (double click scheme to apply)

Built-in help viewer

Online Help

AboutView and edit animations (GIF, SAN, EAN etc) and pictures (BMP, JPG, ICO etc) with ease. Free, fully functioning software program, with no installation or setup. Your existing computer libraries and files remain unchanged and unmodified.  Blaiz Enterprises prides itself on this respect function.


Personal and business use

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 95-11

Download Site

Information Page


Portal - Blaiz Enterprises

Program Features
Standard Features
Starting OutSpecific, instance realtime help is scrolled at top of window. Simply hover mouse over any part of program for help readout.

From "View" tab
Click "Animations", "Pictures" or "Cursors" link to view. Contents of folder are displayed in right panel titled "Files". Click a file to Preview, or click "Scroll Down" / "Scroll Up" link to scroll through all files automatically.

These are Support Folders with content available for Blaiz Enterprises' programs. Click "Folder C:\..." link just above Preview area to select an alternative folder.

Animation can be easily adjusted, in realtime, using one of these options (bottom panel):

Transparent - Bullet to show animation transparently, otherwise solid
Flip - Bullet to flip vertically
Mirror - Bullet to flip horizontally
Faster - Increase animation speed
Slower -Decrease animation speed
Trim - Automatically delete unused areas (wasted space) on all cells

Animation is modified in memory, and must be saved in order for changes to be permanent:
Click "Save" link to save (replace) without prompting in same format, or, click "Save As" link
to display a "Save As" window. Type a new file name and / or select alternative format and click "Save" button. "Files" list will update and automatically highlight animation.

Realtime HelpHover mouse over any part of program for instant and specific help - scrolled at top of program window.

Select "User Management" tab and ensure bullet for "Realtime Help" (default).

TranslationAnimation Viewer supports dual layer translation:
1. Custom Translation - specifically designed for user to create / maintain / personalise
2. Primary Translation - set by our Select Language program

Custom Translation
User customisable plain text translation system. Select "Help / Information" tab > "Translation > Custom Translation" to view control panel.

This special option empowers you to create and modify a plain text, custom language translation, specific to this program (no other program is affected). This personalised translation is stored inside the current program scheme and any Scheme/s saved by this program, enabling easy backup / recovery and transportation / sharing.

Copy - Copy translation to Clipboard as plain text
Paste - Paste translation from Clipboard and replace current text
Clear - Reset translation to default

There are five translation sections:
Information, GUI Translation, Realtime Help Translation, Error Translation, Currently Unused Translation.

1. ## Information #########################
Has three parts:
a) Language description - e.g. "(Language)>German" for German
b) Acknowledgement text - e.g. "(Acknowledgement)>Translation by XYZ"
c) Text Picture (still or animated). From Animation Viewer, click "Copy As Text" link to copy picture / animation to Clipboard as plain text - e.g. "(TEP)>T4M00D00))))So9d0000)3OUu300W300)BjQu3B0Tl90~1222 2222222222222222 211222222222 22222222222112222222 22222222222221 12222222222222222 2222134444444444444 44444453344444 44444444444444533444 4444444444444444 533444444444444444 444453677777777777 777777778667 777777777777777 7778667777777777777777 77786677777777777777777778 668888888888 888888888 86#"

2. ## GUI Translation #########################
Comprised of many translation pairs:
a) Original English word / phrase - do not modify (used by Program)
b) New word / phrase - type your translation here (keep on one line)

(ORG)>Soft Close Dialog Windows
(NEW)>"Equivalent in your language"

(NEW)>"Equivalent in your language"

Sections 3. through 5. are comprised identically to section 2. above:
3. ## Realtime Help Translation #########################
4. ## Error Translation #########################
5. ## Currently Unused Translation #########################

Note: Section 5. "Currently Unused Translation" will only contain translated entries, which are yet to be used by the program (e.g. prompt dialog Window).

Overview/Statistics Panel Explained:

Language - Language description (section 1.a) above

Tracks translation requests performed by program successful or not

Successful - English replaced with user supplied word / phrase
Not Found - English retained as no user supplied word / phrase was found
Total - Total number of translation requests

Statistical overview of supplied and required translations for sections 2. through 5.

Primary TranslationPredefined language via our "Select Language" program, which must be present on your computer,
to enable this function. To visit Select Language homepage for download and further information click "More Information" link or goto

From "Help / Information" tab click "Change Language" link and our Select Language program will load. Within SL choose desired language and then close SL. Restart this program for translation to take effect.

1. A language chosen by this method will also change the language for all Blaiz Enterprises' programs.
2. Select Language based translations cover some programs completely, however, most programs are
only partially covered due to the sheer volume of translations required! For program specific, user customisable translation options, see the "Custom Translation" topic.

Restoring DefaultsTo reset your program to default options / settings / appearance, select "User Management" tab, click "Defaults" button (bottom-right), click "Yes" to proceed and "Yes" again, to confirm.

Technological BackgroundThe new generation of Blaiz Enterprises' software is now proudly based entirely on BE proprietary engineered code foundation, consisting of three main pillars: Visual Engine, User Management and Network Management, forming a base package of systems called "VUN".

VUN Overview

Designed from need-based functionality, to a flexible, easy to use and customisable Graphical User Interface, with a solid, concise and fast code foundation.

VUN Design

1.  Display, function and execution consistency
2.  High stress stability
3.  Ease of scalability
4.  Low system dependency
5.  Ultra low System / User / GDI and graphics resource consumption
6.  Control management system - thousands of controls per GUI
7.  Low graphical overhead / demand
8.  Low memory consumption
9.  Ultra fast startup
10. High level of customisation (user)
11. High level of internal system automation
12. No Installation

VUN Technicals

Visual Engine

User Management

Network Management


License AgreementCompany name and all software products contained on our websites are the intellectual property, copyrights and trademarks of Blaiz Enterprises.

All title, copyrights and intellectual property rights in and to the software product and content, and any copies thereof, are the property of Blaiz Enterprises.

Blaiz Enterprises grants to you the right to use the software product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software product. Any alteration or attempt to alter the original software product will cause a fatal error to occur and the product to become dysfunctional.

Any use of the software product is at your own risk. Blaiz Enterprises disclaim all warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied. In no event shall Blaiz Enterprises be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business, profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product.